Bedwas start with a win

Ystrad Rhondda RFC 0 Bedwas RFC 20.

Admiral WRU Championship, Saturday 13 November 2021.

Match report and photography by Ian Lovell.

 The 2021-22 League season finally got underway with a trip to Ystrad Rhondda on a mild, overcast November afternoon.

 Both sides took time to get their rhythm with defences on top during the early exchanges.

Bedwas took the lead courtesy of a Matty Bancroft penalty on the fifteen-minute mark after Ystrad were penalised at a ruck. Four minutes later and quick Bedwas hands found Bancroft who cheekily sidestepped the last defender to reach out and score. The ensuing conversion from in front of the posts was held up whilst home number 8 Mason Roderick received urgent attention from the medics having been knocked out in a collision. We hope he has a speedy recovery.

Bedwas sought to increase their lead and despite a number of breaks inaccuracy and good defence meant no further scores were made but such inaccuracy could prove to be costly going forward.

Ystrad came out for the second half seemingly determined to get back into the game and put the Bedwas defence under a period of sustained pressure, but it was Bedwas who scored next as Number 8 Alex Bourne crossed out wide on the right. Bancroft’s conversion was on target but dipped under the posts.

Again, Bedwas were inaccurate and despite conjuring up try scoring opportunities these were not taken to the frustration of coaches and supporters. Between the sixtieth and seventieth minutes the entire replacements bench came on as Bedwas looked for a match clinching score.

That moment arrived in the seventy fifth minute as captain Craig Hudd broke to cross out wide, again Bancroft’s conversion kick was just off target.

Ystrad sought a consolation try but a bout of fisticuffs in the Bedwas half resulted in a red card for their replacement scrum half followed by the full-time whistle.

Bedwas play their next League game on Saturday 27 November 2021 when we welcome Bargoed to the Bridgefield.

Images from this game can be found at: Bedwas RFC’s albums | Flickr