Mini and Junior News Round-up

The weather held up for the Bedwas RFC Mini and Junior teams that were playing this morning.  The U10’s and U11’s took a short drive to the Y Gwyndy 3G, both teams facing Beddau RFC renowned for their strong and organised Mini and Junior section. 

Bedwas RFC are committed to our pathway teams, each week members of the senior squad will be attending the Mini and Junior fixtures to support and inspire. Today teams were joined by 1st XV Prop Ellis Evans who observed from the sidelines, provided encouragement at the team’s half time team-talk and congratulated players for their commitment, performances and successes. 

The U10’s,formed of 23 players provided the first hour of play as they showed greatdisplays of early skill development coached by Josh James and 1st XV Forwards Coach Pat McGee.

We were delighted to witness a young female player Mali Hughes in action whom shows promise with her commitment to tackles, rucking and ball in hand.  This young lady is for sure one to watch as she moves up through the mini and junior section.

The mostemotional of moments for all on and off the field was one when player Jake Brookbank who has Downs Syndrome took the field for his debut after a year of training with the squad.  To see his team-mates, coaches, parents and his family support him all the way in scoring his first try was one to remember for everyone present. 

Player ofthe Match went to Cian McGee as voted by Beddau U10’s, another player that shows commitment in his performance at every game.  Congratulations to Jake, Mali, Cian and the team on their achievements today.  The inclusion of all players regardless of disability and gender within the U10’sis commendable. 

 The U11’s then provided the final hour of action against a strong Beddau side.  The game was going against our young players however, they kept their heads up and played some great running rugby when the opportunities presented themselves. Ellis Evans and the coaches provided support and encouragement throughout the game resulting in them scoring a deserving try in the last minute. 

The U11’s also had two female players namely Poppy Keigwin and Sioned Lewis, it seems that there is no stopping these young ladies as they took to the field.  The U11s are coached by Kristian Harding and Jonathan Keigwin.  Player of the Week was Sion Riding, congratulations on your performance and well done to all the players of this squad.  Thank you to Beddau for making the short journey to us for an enjoyable morning.

 Bedwas U11’sand Bedwas U15’s are currently looking for a new players to join their squad, should your child be interested in the joining the Wass family contact us.


Images from this mornings games can be found at: