The Bedwas RFC Mini and Juniors Rugby Taster Evening was held last night. Over 100 players descended onto the field along with some new faces that were welcomed by Head Coach Stefan Sankala before training began.
All children were separated into their age groups and training commenced but with a difference, they were joined by the following 1st XV players; Luke Crane, Kane Teear-Bourge, Gareth Allen, Craig Hudd, Joseph Scrivens, Michael Dacey, Jonathan Armitage, Dale Rogers, Rhys Hutcherson and Lewis Bowden. It was particularly pleasing to witness these Premiership players getting to know their younger team mates and undoubtedly future players of Bedwas RFC.
Stefan Sankala personally took a coaching session with the U12’s – U16’s, age groups within the club that need an influx of new players to maintain the Bedwas RFC rugby pathway.
The evening was a great success thanks to all the players, their parents and extended families. To all the new players that joined us we thank you and hope that you will return and join the Wass. Bedwas RFC would also like to thank the Mini and Junior committee, coaches, team managers and volunteers for their efforts throughout the season. Finally thank you to C & S Catering who provided free food for everyone after training.
If you missed this week’s session you can still join the Bedwas RFC Mini and Juniors by contacting Fay Fear on 07962378503.