Late Dixon drop goal clinches the win in the September heat.


Cardiff Met RFC 19 Bedwas RFC 20

WRU Admiral Championship (East), Saturday 9 September 2023.

Match report and photography by Ian Lovell.

 A late James Dixon drop goal clinched the game for Bedwas at the end of an entertaining game.

In the searing un-seasonal heat of an early September afternoon (the temperature around 29 Celsius) the game started off with Bedwas having to defend as the Met students came out firing.

Met took an early lead. A penalty from a line out was cleared to within 20 metres of the Bedwas line and two phases later second row Liam Antrobus crashed through for a try. Fly half Sam Berry added the conversion.

The students looked to improve their advantage, but the Bedwas defence held strong.

Towards the end of the half Bedwas began to gain some territory and possession and after a period of sustained pressure Dale Rogers was driven over for a try. James Dixon added the conversion.

With half time approaching Bedwas turned the screw and following a scrum an Aaron Billingham break saw Bedwas close to the try line, but fast recycling saw the ball moved through several pairs of hands for Jack Guy to dive over in the left-hand corner. Dixon successfully converted and half time arrived.

The second half started off much the same as the first as the students looked to play at 100mph, but their efforts were thwarted on a number of occasions as the ball was dropped or penalties conceded.

Bedwas held out until 67 minutes when good passing put winger Joshua Carrington in space to cross for a try out wide. Berry’s conversion kick hit a post and rebounded to safety.

James Dixon eased Bedwas nerves with a penalty goal two minutes later after Met had been deemed to be blocking off the ball.

The joy was short-lived as another Met attack saw replacement scrum half Zak Roberts burst through and with Berry’s conversion the students were two points ahead with eight minutes to play.

Bedwas refused to buckle and laid siege on the home line and with five minutes to play James Dixon found the space to kick a drop goal to put Bedwas a point ahead. At the restart a Bedwas infringement prevented the kick being taken quickly but Berry’s penalty attempt from the halfway line fell short.

 Bedwas held onto the lead as they continued to control possession and territory to claim a deserved win.

Credit should be given to both sides for producing an entertaining game in extreme conditions. From the Bedwas perspective it must be recorded that this was an excellent team effort by the entire squad who dug deep when needed.

Next Saturday (16th September) Bedwas host St Peters RFC, kick-off 2-30pm.

Match gallery at: Bedwas RFC’s albums | Flickr

Images courtesy of Rob Hill here: